Thomas Fox 6-22-1993
Tom Houlette 10-30-2005
Tom Butler 5-7-2006
Garry Sprowls 10-7-2006
Steve Pavey 3-11-2009
Richard McMillin 5-12-2009
JT Hagedorn 5-18-2009
Daniel Fisher 8-28-2009
Terry England 9-22-2011
Mike Milton 11-27-2011
Kyndal Hashman 5-5-2012
Masahiko Kato 10-12-2012
Steven Barrett 5-25-2014
123 Yards from the White tees
168 Yards from the Blue tees
187 Yards from the Gold tees
Handicap – 8

Robert N. Nurre 10-10-1982
Denton Ledford 5-19-2005
Kathy Armstrong 5-21-2005
Mike Mellinger 7-30-2005
Mike McCully 8-24-2005
Yasuo Okubo 9-24-2005
Johnnie Rogers Jr. 7-8-2006
Buryl Line 8-4-2006
John Kussman 6-1-2008
Dan Newman 4-23-2009
Don Stonecipher 5-7-2009
Darrell Patterson 6-8-2009
Bob Gaddis 6-11-2009
Robert Hood 6-29-2009
Michael Richardson 5-15-2010
Thomas LaBarbera 7-31-2010
Ron Albert 8-14-2010
Brian Duncan 8-22-2010
Kay Leonard 9-21-2010
John Beringer 10-9-2010
Bill Mahoney 5-6-2012
Man Sung 5-25-2012
Bryce Mueller 10-5-2013
Chet Taylor 10-27-2013
113 Yards from the White tees
156 Yards from the Blue tees
156 Yards from the Gold tees
Handicap – 9

Dick Bruce 9-16-1991
Ron Albert 3-22-2005
Doug Omullance 6-9-2005
Brian Neidbalski 7-5-2005
Steve Davis 8-15-2006
Heath Harrison 5-13-2006
Jim Turner 10-9-2006
Stan Woszczynski 5-28-2007
Michael Young 5-30-2008
Steve Pavey 6-2-2008
Greg Albert 5-24-2009
Jerry Clerkin 6-11-2010
Hugh Daugherty 9-2010
Chip Truman 9-6-2010
Kelly Daugherty 6-4-2011
Pat Cashen 8-20-2011
Gary Shehan 9-20-2011
Zach Lee 7-22-2012
Jim Hunter 10-10-2013
Steve Collings 6-15-2015
105 Yards from the White tees
151 Yards from the Blue tees
171 Yards from the Gold tees
Handicap – 8

Hugh Daugherty 6-4-1994
Darren Priebe 7-5-1995
Tom Guthrie 8-9-2000
Toshiaki Takeuchi 5-18-2005
Shane Sweeney 4-18-2006
Jim Lyons 7-2-2006
Donna Eaton 9-9-2006
Chuck Springhorn 4-27-2009
Ted Stansbury 5-28-2009
Stan Schroer 8-31-2009
Roy Cross 9-9-2009
Kenneth Shepherd 10-26-2009
Chris Coers 11-15-2009
Tom Plogsted 6-5-2010
Dave Huebschman 7-17-2011
Konnor Kimmel 3-20-2012
Dick Oney 10-1-2020
124 Yards from the White tees
172 Yards from the Blue tees
192 Yards from the Gold tees
Handicap – 5

Mark Fear 3-11-2007
Tom Butler 5-18-2007
Herbert Fisher 9-29-2010
124 Yards from the White tees
172 Yards from the Blue tees
192 Yards from the Gold tees
Handicap – 5

Jeff Smith 9-15-2005
Connie Eggers 8-13-2007
Tim Santel 6-4-2011
Nate Rich 10-15-2012
John Remke 9-6-2014
99 Yards from the White tees
150 Yards from the Blue tees
160 Yards from the Gold tees
Handicap – 9